Elantis Premium Funding

AU - 1800 451 111

NZ - 0800 438 634


Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use the Web.
More specifically, Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the Web, and that they can contribute to the Web. Web accessibility also benefits others, including older people with changing abilities due to ageing.
Keeping disabled users in mind, there is a desire to implement accessibility features into the redevelopment of www.elantis.com.au and www.elantis.co.nz, with a view to conforming to legislative guidelines.

Legal Consideration

The focus on web accessibility has originated as a result of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) of 1992 [http://www.comlaw.gov.au]. This Act includes several statements that could directly apply to web accessibility. Under section 24, it is unlawful for a person who provides goods, facilities or services to discriminate on the grounds of disability by:
Refusing to provide the other person with those goods or services or to make those facilities available to the other person; or
in the terms or conditions on which the first-mentioned person provides the other person with those goods or services or makes those facilities available to another person; or
in the manner in which the first mentioned person provides the other person with those goods or services or makes those facilities available to the other person.

Accessibility Guidelines Considered

The Australian Human Rights Commission, in their Disability Discrimination Act Advisory Notes (Version 3.3.1 – March 31 2009) recommend the use of WCAG level AA. Elantis’ website is compliant to the WCAG2.0 guidelines, level AA.

Contact us

If you have any concerns/questions/suggestions relating to accessibility please go to the contact us page. and send your feedback.
There are certain components of this website that may not be accessible yet.
These components are being addressed and will be rectified in the near future.
Please contact Elantis Premium Finance if you have any immediate concerns.